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Comment ouvrir les paramètres ?
Vous pouvez ouvrir les paramètres sur Xplorer en cliquant sur le bouton `Paramètres` à gauche de Xplorer.


Comment quitter les paramètres ?
Vous pouvez quitter les paramètres de Xplorer en cliquant sur le côté en haut et gauche de Xplorer.



Thème de l'appli

Vous pouvez modifier le thème de l'application Xplorer dans l'onglet Apparence des Paramètres. Les thèmes disponibles par défaut sont light, light+, darket dark+. En outre, il y a le thème par défaut du système qui lira automatiquement votre préférence système. :::info Xplorer prendra bientôt en charge le thème de l'application personnalisée, restez à l'écoute ! :::

Famille de police

Vous pouvez changer la famille de polices de Xplorer dans l'onglet Apparence des Paramètres pour une des familles de polices installées sur votre système.

Taille de la Police

Vous pouvez modifier la taille de police de Xplorer dans l'onglet Apparence des Paramètres. Veuillez noter qu'une taille de police idéale est comprise entre 10 px et 30 px.

Transparence de la Fenêtre

Rendre la fenêtre Xplorer transparente sur l'onglet Apparence des Paramètres en combinant les options suivantes. Veuillez noter que la transparence idéale est comprise entre 70 % et 100 %. Vous pouvez désactiver la transparence en désactivant toutes les options de transparence.

Panneau latéral transparent

Rendre le panneau latéral transparent Barre latérale transparente

Barre latérale transparente

Rendre la barre de topbar transparente Barre de haut transparent

Espace de travail transparent

Make the workspace transparent Espace de travail transparent

Transparent Effect

You can update the transparency effect on the workspace by changing the transparency value on the Transparency Effect option (expected to work on Windows 10 only). Available effects:

  • Blur (somewhat laggy when dragging)
  • Acylic(works only on Windows 10 and above, it also has bad performance when resizing/dragging the window)
  • Vibrancy (works only on macOS)
  • None(recommended) (need to restart app to change back to none)

Style de cadre

You can choose the frame style on the Appearance tab of the Settings. The available options are Default and System Default. Default will use Xplorer's default style which is the same across platforms. System Default will use the system default frame style which is difference according to your platform.

Aperçu du fichier

File Preview here might means the file thumbnail.

Automatically play video file as thumbnail

This will automatically play the video file as a preview. :::caution THIS MIGHT CONSUME HIGH AMOUNT OF RAM This might consume a high amount of RAM because it's built on the HTML video player. You can just enable this setting and ignore this caution if you got a good-spec computer. :::

Preview image on hover

This fill automatically show the image when you hovering it for 500ms.

Preview on hover

Some people might found it annoying and you can disable it by disabling this setting.

Extract exe file icon and make it as the thumbnail

This will parse and cache the icon from a exe file and make it a preview. Only on Windows.

Extract Exe file icon

This might causes Xplorer to crash.

This is because Xplorer parses the icon from the exe and if the hexadecimal of the exe file is broken, Xplorer crashes.

The way to fix it is to disable the setting.

Open issue The current approach is by calling the powershell program which might pops up cmd windows.

Any contribution to call it directly from Xplorer is welcome. :::

Show Image as Thumbnail

This will show the image as a thumbnail of a file. Please note that this is not recommended for large directory as it reads the image to memory.

Default file layout

Default file layout of a directory. Just give it a try :)


Show info bar

An option to show the info bar on the workspace. Xplorer's infobar


App Language

Localize Xplorer. Help us translate Xplorer, see this discussion.

Hide Hidden Files

Hide hidden files on Xplorer, you can find this setting on the Preference tab on Xplorer or by its shortcut, Ctrl + H.

Hide System Files

Hide Windows' system files on Xplorer. :::tip Learn what is system file in this wikipedia. Just turn it off if you don't understand what it is. :::

List and sort directories alongside files

If disabled, Xplorer will prioritize directories above files.

Detect Drive Change

Turning this on will detect drive change and update the sidebar and drives section. Please note that this will take high ammount of RAM as this is not stabilized yet.

Automatically change preview file with selected file

Enabling this will automatically change the preview file with the current selected file.

Single/Double Click to open a file

Enabling this will make Xplorer to open a file with double click. Otherwise, it will open a file with single click.

On startup

Option to do on starting Xplorer. Available options are:

  • New Tab
  • Continue previous session